16th century
Male nude, verso sketch of a hanging man
Pen and black ink, verso black and red chalk, 29.5 x 20 cm, paper strips attached to the edges
verso: collection stamp with letter I in green color
The male nude corresponds to representations that can be found above all in the art tracts of the 16th century, such as in Albrecht Dürer's “Four Books of Human Proportion” (1528 first edition). There are two numbers on the neck and small circles are on the lower legs as well as on the right arm. The hatching, which serves the plasticity of the body, can also be found in Italian artists (like Bandinelli).
The back of the drawing is interesting because the hanging Christ was drawn with red and black chalk. This is very unusual for art north of the Alps and can be found in Italy (Florence, Siena, Rome) around the middle of the 16th century.
price: 2.450 €